Avant Strangel


Avant Strangel

/ Actor

Agent Cindy Brace
Eyes Brown
Hair Sometimes
Height 187cm
First Language English
Second Language French
Third Language Mandarin (rusty)
Residence Paris

My Story

In 2020 you’ll see me acting with William Baldwin, in “The Talk,” Laura Smet, in the mini-series period piece “La Garçonne” and a rising star line-up of new actors in what may well become a cult classic “Kill Ben Lyk.”  I avoid the stereotypical thug, drug dealer and convict tropes and focus on roles where I get to be  intense, comedic and honest. chose roles that diversify skills and increase my range.

On the voice acting side of things I do commercials, animations, video games,  documentaries and music.   You may already have heard my voice on the Essilor Eyezen campaign, the series Decolonization on Arte, Streets of Rage 4 video game or in projects with rocker Yarol Popaud, bluesman Hubert 06 and RnB singer Maysha.  I still have motion capture on my bucket list, so Video Game Industry I’m gunning for YOU! 🙂

Musician, fencer with a day-job in IT, my plunge into professional acting happened accidentally in 2016 out of necessity.  I slid into acting sideways in a total indirect “hail-Mary” pass kind of way. Frustrated with the a job search, it seemed clear the universe was trying to tell me something. Frequently being complimented on my voice, I decided to audition for a voice over and instead was offered to a role in front of the camera instead.  That was the beginning. After plunging into the world of cinema and working on the craft, landed a role on a science fiction series (my favorite genre) and have enjoyed two seasons on the award winning French sci-fi series Missions on OCS. This project was a true labor of love and being surrounded by fellow sci-fi geeks made the creation of this series made the experience even sweeter!  From there I went on to do British, Japanese and American productions and was fortunate to be cast in one of the principal roles of the César nominated  animation “Make it Soul.”

My superstar application is right behind my (still pending) rockstar application!

Motivated by observations and experiences,  filtered through the occasional trauma and the beautiful unpredictable challenges of life as I live it, I look forward to the complexities the next role will bring. Always in the process of creating, be it music, lyrics or recently as a screenwriter as I work on the idea for a web-series.

More to come, stay tuned…


An up and coming actor that got a late start and is making up for lost time.
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